Is the information on the profiles up-to-date?

The property information is received from the listing agent, the community, neighborhood and additional information is provided on a "as is" basis, as we obtain it from local, city, county and state records.

How long do you host each profile?

We accept Paypal and major credit card payments. Pay online using Paypal or we can call you to get your card information if you prefer to pay with your credit card. Once you sign up, we will bill you every month or you can save buy paying the annual fee. We accept Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Paypal and major credit card payments. Pay online using Paypal or we can call you to get your card information if you prefer to pay with your credit card. Once you sign up, we will bill you every month or you can save buy paying the annual fee. We accept Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards.

As a real estate professional, how can I benefit from your services?

Electronic home profiles are the perfect tool to help you to promote your listings. You can add the profile URL to your marketing materials, add a rider with the profile URL to your sign frame and stand out from the rest of the agents in their area. It is an easy and cost effective way to promote the listings, and to show your seller that you are making every effort to promote and sell their property.

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